GEE :: Game Editor in English
It's a project to translate the MSX-2 Game Editor into English.
Since I don't know how to read/write in Japanese some errors may occur in
the translation.
And for now I still dont know how I'm going to change
the original text into English, since all the text in the editor is compressed.
Thanks to Alex Sato for some corrections and suggestions on the translated text.
Thanks to Ricardo Bittencourt with his Kanji rom help.
Thanks to Leandro Pereira (acidx) for his translating and jwpce help.
Thanks to Norikuni Kofuji for his translating help.

This is the main screen. All options more or less translated.

When you click on the 2nd menu option in the main screen you get this.

Selecting any file from the previous screen, you're presented with this.

Background Image Charset Designer

Edit Enemy Character (16*16)

Edit Enemy Character (64*64)

After returning from any of the above options, you'll be presented with this screen.